Perspective Within a Broad View

My Independent Portfolio represents a broader view of life. In this day and age most people are looking at their phones in almost every aspect of their lives and believe that art can only be found in a museum. This portfolio shows that one can find art in all aspects of daily living by simply looking around and taking a closer look as they walk through life. One can encounter art in many unexpected places. This portfolio’s purpose shows that there is more nuance in rather simple things if one can take a broader look. Pipes can turn into a sculpture and a garden hose can turn into a modern piece of art. Art can be found in places that were not originally meant to be art, but can also represent the art of what someone has built. Suddenly, a bricklayer who laid out a perfect row of bricks for a building can be considered an artist of his trade. A city worker who put in a fire hydrant can be considered an artist. This matters because most of us need to look up and take in the beauty that surrounds us.


Project Two-The Magician and the Surgeon